Today, Wednesday, Jan. 17th, marked our travel day from Nuremberg to Heidelberg :) We checked out of the hotel and headed to the station in an icy drizzle for our first train, from Nuremberg to Frankfurt.

For the two hour trip, Grace and I passed the time by watching Howl's Moving Castle.
"10/10 I liked Howl I liked Lili's reactions to Howl and it was a crowd pleaser very immersive (there was a train and Germany) and I thought it was whimsical and thought provoking"
- Grace (review after her first time watching the movie)

We arrived to Frankfurt with the largest portion of our journey completed and had time to chill, grab coffee and lunch, and made our way to the next train (Frankfurt to Heidelberg). The view from the train was very pretty as most of the town we passed were covered in snow.
Unfortunately, when we were only a couple stops away from Heidelberg, sparks flew, disaster struck, and our train had to stop because of electrical issues caused from the freezing rain. Huddled underground at the tiny station, we tried to figure out which train could get us to our destination.
Luckily, we were able to find another train going to Heidelberg relatively quickly. Once at the station, we then had the option of walking 25 minutes through the rain to our hotel, or taking the bus. Shockingly, everyone chose the second option, and we arrived at our hotel a little chilly, but happy to have finally arrived.
After some down time to settle into the hotel, Professor Dietz led a group of us on a tour of the city. The buildings and mountains were very beautiful and we got a distant preview of Heidelberg Castle which we will visit later this week. There was also a friendly cat watching from an apartment window :)

For dinner, the tour group decided to go to a "Canadian street food" place with loaded fries for dinner. The group rated the meal a solid 6 or 7/10 with notable quotes such as:
"It passes" - Grace
"Great hangry meal" - Hannah
The best part of the restaurant was that instead of numbering orders, they were labelled as different movie characters, such as Doctor Who and Popeye.

To end the night, a few of us met to work on our summary paper about a case study of African American girls' experiences in math classes.
Overall, I'm very glad to be settled in Heidelberg and am excited to explore the city more in the next couple of days.
Signing off,
Lili Schroedl :)
Thanks for sharing