This morning we started out the morning experiencing the breakfast at the new hotel (my personal evaluation is that the cheese here is better but the yogurt was nicer in Göttingen). The consensus was that some of us slept like babies while others were kept up by the train the night before, as our hotel is located directly next to the train tracks.
We then transitioned into our first DEI discussion where we chatted about subjects such as gaps in testing performance, our own experiences with learning math, and looked statistics regarding New Doctorates. Not only did this allow us to learn about each other's mathematics backgrounds, but it gave us a space to talk about our experiences in the math department at St Olaf and where we feel there could be progress made in terms of DEI.
Then, we all ventured out for our first lunch in Nuremberg! Some of us ventured into the train station for boba tea and sandwiches, while others (including myself) wandered back into old town. It was great to see all the beautiful buildings in the daylight (Fig. 1)!

Figure 1. Entrance to Old Town
The main conclusion that could be drawn from our adventures into old town are 1) that we are an extremely indecisive group 2) we are very good at aimless wandering (which is what took up most of that lunch period) and 3) there is some pretty good pizza in Germany (pro-tip: order your salads without salt)(Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Pizza at Pizz & Via
After rushing back to class (we got our food at 1:30pm and left at 1:45pm), we had a wonderful third day of math class where we all worked diligently to understand the beginnings of Noetherian Algebra theory (Fig. 3). All of our iPads were struggling and despite some doubts, Jill managed to make it through with a charge until the very end of class.

Figure 3. Afternoon math
After class, a few of us took naps and then went to eat German food at Mautkeller, a very touristy restaurant located below a building in old town Nuremberg. The food was simultaneously surprising and unsurprising (this can be left up to interpretation)(Fig. 4). Afterwards, we ventured to the Wonder Waffle for some deluxe desserts! Overall, it's been a great first day in Nuremberg.
Figure 4. Left: German dinner, Middle: waffle from Wonder Waffle, Right: Oliver locked himself in the women's bathroom, he wants me to include that it was by accident.
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