Today was our first full day in Göttingen. We started off heading to the Mathematics Insitute for a lecture from Dr. Ina Kersten, the first woman to serve as President of the German Mathematical Society. Grace and I got left behind at the hotel, but we managed to rejoin the group at the Mathematics Institute and saw some pigeons along the way.

Once everyone was back together, we attended Dr. Kerstens talk, where we learned about the history of mathematicians at the University of Göttingen, including Emmy Noether. Damaris Schindler gave an additional lecture on Apollonian circles and her experience as a woman in Mathematics. Then we got to view the mathematical models at the Institute, including these Riemann surfaces, likely crocheted by Emmy Noether herself!

After a brief lunch, we returned to the hotel to learn about rings. Following the mathematics, a few of us found the scale model of our solar system. Starting from the Sun, we were able to visit Mercury through Uranus, leaving the final 40 minute trek to Pluto as a goal for the weekend.
Afterwards, it was time for dinner. The first professor dinner group ate at one of the two potato-themed restaurants located within two blocks of the hotel, where we enjoyed our potato dishes and conversations about the upcoming trips.